Hi! Welcome to ADHD Rebels Life Coaching

I'm Brittni Kehler, an ADDCA Associate Certified Coach (AACC), soon to be PAAC and ICF certified, ADHD / Neurodiverse Life Coach, as well as an Alberta Certified Teacher with my B.A./B.Ed., currently living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

I have a special interest in the areas of executive function challenges, that are inherent with those of us who are uniquely wired, as well as other possible co-morbid physical and mental health challenges, such as Anxiety, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Chronic Fatigue/Pain.

I am deeply passionate about partnering alongside (either in person or virtually online) neurodiverse children and adults who want to better understand themselves, their unique brain wiring and learn how to create individualized systems, empowering them to revive their rebel brain and courageously live their authentic, cosmic life.

#BeginWithin #NeurodiverseRevival #AdhdRebels #BeCourageouslyYou

What Is An ADHD / Neurodiverse Life Coach??

The ADDCA (ADD Coach Academy) definition of Coaching is: 

"Built upon unconditional acceptance and a powerful appreciation of the client's potential, uniqueness, strengths, capabilities, and wholeness, coaching is an ongoing collaborative partnership created to facilitate personal growth and awareness that leads to conscious choice, focused action, and a meaningful, rewarding life."

"I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable." ~ John Russell

What are some of the benefits from partnering with an ADHD Coach?

* Increased Self Awareness & Self Compassion

* Identify & Apply Your Strengths

* Clarity & Action Around Your Values & Goals

* Improved Communication Skills

* Create & Rapid Prototype Strategies That Support Your Brain

* Identify & Challenge Your Brain Blueprints / Limiting Beliefs

* Experience An Open, Non-Judgemental Space Where You Feel Seen & Heard

Services I Can Provide You Along Your Rebel Journey...

Raising Your Rebel Child: Neurodiverse Parenting

Collaborative Family Coaching Program

I help parents and neurodiverse children develop healthy relationships by focusing on challenging the stigma, reframing expectations and cultivating an open & strength based environment, so that the child can create their authentic & cosmic life.

Up until this point you have probably tried all the traditional parenting advice and tips, yet still are struggling with raising and understanding your rebel child...

Maybe you feel like you're living in constant chaos and never have a moment of sanity...

Maybe you feel judged and shamed by society (or even friends & family) because your child is 'out of control' and you are beginning to believe that you're a 'bad' parent or that you have a 'bad' child...

If you resonate with what I described above, then I want you to know that your family may need a Neurodiverse lens/approach to create more harmony in your relationships and home, as well as, help you develop a greater confidence that your child will be able to find their light & shine it into the world (in their own time & their own way).

Collaboratively, one step at a time, we can challenge the current reality, so that your family can create the reality you all truly desire!

If you're intrigued and open to learning how to change and improve your current situation, I invite you to schedule a 45 minute Discovery Call with me, Coach Brittni, to discuss your needs and explore your options! 

** Join my private Facebook Group 'Raising Your Rebel Child: Neurodiverse Parenting' for more learning, support and connection with other families!

** Follow ADHD Rebels Life Coaching on TikTok: @adhd_rebels_coaching !

Head + Heart + Higher Purpose    =    Harmony + Happiness + Self Actualization

Learn more about how 1:1 coaching and/or small group coaching can benefit you on your journey of awareness, self discovery, empowerment, skill building and revolutionary change!

Learn more about my learning @ home teaching support program, parenting support group, and the Masterclass & webinar opportunities I offer in the community, schools and online!

Join the Mission! The Rebel Stars are seeking to expand our Illuminating Constellation! Click the blue button to learn more about our Rebel Mission and how YOU can connect with other Rebel Stars in the creation process!

Learn more about the resources, groups, blogs, websites where the Neurodiverse belong & feel understood, seek out support & encouragement and enjoy each others company & humor :)

Our Strengths + Passions + Values = Our Purpose/WHY

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." ~ Albert Camus

"Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else's survival guide. " ~ Morgan Harper Nichols

"We need more people who are willing to demonstrate what it looks like to risk and endure failure, disappointment, and regret - people willing to feel their own hurt instead of working it out on other people, people willing to own their stories, live their values, and keep showing up." ~ Brene Brown

"Lead with Integrity, Follow with Curiosity, Serve with Generosity, Be with Humility, Love with Humanity. " ~ Rob Kish

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." ~ Socrates

"A Vision can lead people out of dark hopelessness into the Light of Hope" 

~ David Giwerc, ADDCA Founder & President ~

?Are you curious about how coaching might look for you?

Get in touch through email CoachBrittni@ADHDrebels.com, your preferred social media platform or schedule a FREE Introductory Discovery Coaching Session!

Thank You to Our Collaborators & Partners!