The Dream

"Why else are we here if not to live with unreasonable passion for things?" ~ Butterflies Rising

"We need more people who are willing to demonstrate what it looks like to risk and endure failure, disappointment, and regret - people willing to feel their own hurt instead of working it out on other people, people willing to own their stories, live their values, and keep showing up." ~ Brene Brown

What or Who Is a Rebel?

Francesca Gino explains and encourages us on her Rebel Talent book website that, "We need to shift our thinking. To be a rebel does not mean to be an outcast or a troublemaker. Effective rebels are people who break rules in ways that are positive and productive. [...] Rebels inspire, and teach, through action, and organizations have much to gain by rewarding the example they set."

The year 2020 I will always remember as the year I made the decision to leave the school system teaching profession behind, take a leap of Faith and pursue kickstarting two self employed service based businesses, both focused on the same WHY, MISSION or DREAM:

To empower my clients to be intentional/take control of their lives, be courageously themselves, pursue their passions in life and fulfill their dreams/calling.

What motivates me to keep breathing each day?

T H I S .

Making the decision to live an authentic, value/passion/strengths based life, while having the opportunity/blessing to freely serve & give to others whatever they need in that moment, without worrying/thinking about how it's benefiting me because I truly believe Light always wins.

Life isn't about what I have or can get from others. Life is about developing and sharing the gifts I have with others so they can go out in the world and do the samešŸ™

#RippleEffect #RebelRevival #MyMission #LiveCourageously #StepIntoYourCalling #StandFirmInFaith #KeepGivingAndLoving #WarriorOfTheLight