Join The Mission!

Our Rebel Stars are seeking to expand our Illuminating Constellation! Learn more about our Rebel Mission below and how you can connect with other Rebel Stars in the creation process!

~ The Wellness Constellation Mission Blue Star Birth Story ~

During the last few months (Sept. 2020 - Jan. 2021) in business, I’ve witnessed the desperate need and search, among children and adults, for hope, courage, belonging, compassion, and connection in their lives. In The Gifts Of Imperfection, Brene Brown explains that, “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy - the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

I’m a very visual person and love analogies, so when Light imagery began to be a prominent part of my day, I took notice and then it kind of exploded into this life journey analogy. Recently, during my personal coaching sessions, I verbally processed what I’m currently experiencing and feeling, and explained that I feel like something is bubbling up inside me and about to explode, like a volcano, but I knew the explosion was not to be destructive - which confused me at first because what explosion is not destructive? Suddenly, as if a light switch had flipped in my mind, I saw a star exploding, and I was able to recall that stars are born from explosions, which triggered instant excitement and my Love of Learning, which led me to this Noor Tagouri quote, “For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: A gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction. This is your birth.”

The words “rebirth”, “revival”, “connection” and journey” have been my guiding compass this year as I wander through the darkness, searching for and following any spark of light. Now I feel like the star within me is about to be born, radiating light outwards like a lighthouse, and I have realized that my compass was not leading me to a place, but instead my Constellation, one by one, spark by spark, slowly becoming more and more illuminating, through our shared experiences, compassionate hearts, and encouragement of hope and courage to shine our brightest, even in a world that tells us we are ‘too much’.

During the chaos of 2020 I rediscovered my light within and have decided to make it my rebel mission to seek out other dimmed lights, reignite them, fuse together and explode so that we can all be reborn as the Stars we are born to be, and then courageously shine our light into the darkness of the world.

~ Coach Brittni

Here are some possible 'Focus Areas' for The Wellness Constellation Mission:

  • Self-awareness - observe your thoughts, words, actions/habits; question/challenge them from your baseline/perspective of your values/needs/goals - do they align?

  • Self-acceptance - this is me/who I am (both my weaknesses & strengths) and I acknowledge my past experiences that shaped me, accept where I am currently and know what I need to do to get to where I want to go/who I want to be

  • Growth mindset - Carol Dweck - becoming aware of our own thoughts/blueprints, challenging our limiting beliefs, changing how we speak to ourselves

  • Humility - open to others perspectives/opinions, knowing there is not 1 way to do things

  • Empathy - sharing your story & actively listening to others, being open & honest

  • Compassion (self & others) - Brene Brown - shame, boundaries, self love

  • Connection - You are not alone, finding your tribe, sharing your story, building friendships

  • Self-esteem/Confidence - identifying strengths, values, needs; challenge limiting beliefs

  • Communication - Powerful, Non-Defensive Communication (PNDC)

  • Boundary Setting - for yourself and in your relationships; identifying needs

  • Romantic Relationships - attachment types (anxious/avoidant/secure) & their impact on our thoughts/words/behaviours/actions and relationships with others

  • Intuition/Empaths - Focus on positive energy and sending it out, protecting own energy

Brainstormed Routine Scheduled Session Ideas (send me your feedback/input/ideas!):

  • Mindfulness Practice - Guided meditation/positive affirmations, with music or quietness. (utilizing private Facebook Group and FB Live).

  • Prayer/Faith/Scripture Reflection - Growing closer to God and building our relationship with Him (music, prayer, doodling, testimonies)

  • Art/Creativity Session: A safe place to create art, share/view art, get feedback/input on art, discuss possible ideas, brainstorm for projects, etc.

  • Do you wanna tell a story? : Storytime ADHD/Neurodiverse Style - chill hangout Zoom

  • House Party - online accountability group to tie together fun & chores - tribe members pick a mindless chore that needs to be done (which you’ve probably been procrastinating on) and can complete that task while visiting with other members completing a similar task (dishes, cleaning up kitchen, laundry loads, putting away laundry, decluttering/organizing, paper slaying other cleaning, etc.)

  • Business/Work Related Tasks & Prep - resume writing, job searching

  • Cooking/Baking Competition - Meal prep to freeze portions/baking treats

  • Exercise/Nutrition - meal planning, exercise routine, etc.

  • Finances/Money Management - identify your money story, create/manage a budget, etc.

  • My User Manual Creation Workshop - learn what to include, ask questions, work on it together

  • “Taking the War Out of Our Words” - PNDC Novel Study & Workshop - read through book together and discuss/apply real life examples

  • Brene Brown’s WholeHearted Living - 10 Guideposts - Book Summary & Action Steps

  • Calling All Moms! - group parent coaching (online course through Impact Parents & Brittni support); Separate into small groups for possible connection calls/coaching sessions

  • All My Single Ladies! - zoom call to share stories/connect with other single ladies, ask questions, give Brittni feedback on your needs and brainstorm ideas for future services/sessions

  • What is Coaching? - open to tribe members and non-members to learn about the coaching process, differences between 1:1 and group coaching, Q & A (using Zoom)

  • Mental Health / Diagnosis / Education / Advocacy / End Stigma - For our Love of Learning...and to better understand our brains and bodies, so we can work with them instead of against them.