Government Supports & Other Services

Impact Parents - Helping Parents Help Kids:

*Go directly to Impact Parents Website by clicking HERE!*

"Our Story:  We were on a MISSION to provide practical support for PARENTS of complex kids that is...

AFFORDABLE » so parents can make the most of their resources (both time and money)

ACCESSIBLE » so parents can get help when they need it, 24/7

EFFECTIVE » because kids only have one chance at childhood!

Drawing from our professional backgrounds in national health care, and our experiences as coaches, educators and parents, in 2011 … we joined forces to provide the professional guidance that parents really needed! It was time to use the evidence-based methodology of coaching to help parents get a handle on how to raise complex kids -- kids who struggle with life or learning -- with confidence and calm. We started to focus on helping parents ... so that they could learn to coach their kids ... so that their kids could achieve success & independence!" (Reference)

"We Figured Out What Parents Need:

As a parent, you are willing to make extraordinary sacrifices for your family -- more than you ever imagined. You know what you want for your kids and what values you want to teach in your home. When the advice of traditional parenting experts doesn't make sense for your kid, you need guidance to help you figure out what you should do.

It has been proven by research, again and again, that your role as a parent is key to your child’s success. When you join together with other parents in a community without judgment. When you learn strategies to improve communication. When you focus on yourself in order to the be the best parent you can be for your kids

...then you will be able to tackle each wonderfully crazy and chaotic day with grace and calm!

You don't need to give over the helm of the ship. You need to learn how to navigate your family to safety – with confidence that you are steering them in the right direction.

Since parents are a child's medical manager, parent education and training is actually the first step of any treatment when children have chronic medical conditions. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association (and others), parent training in behavior management (a.k.a. "behavior therapy") is recommended for parents of children with ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, and related conditions, so that parents can learn to manage typical (and difficult) situations more effectively.

Research has shown that kids improve when parents:

*are better informed and learn to communicate more effectively with kids of all ages

* learn strategies for management specific to their child's needs

* implement those strategies at the 'point of performance' where the problems occur

* have a chance to practice and get feedback on what they're doing

* are connected to a community of other parents who share their struggles.

Children need adults in their lives to understand them, guide them, and teach them how to manage their daily challenges of life and learning. 

The bottom line is this: If you are struggling (in any way) to help a child (of any age) who has challenges that interfere with any aspect of life or learning, then it is recommended that you get help for your child by getting help for yourself. Focusing on yourself and your approach to parenting is at the core of setting your child up for long term independence and success. We invite you to learn more about the transformational impact of the coach-approach to parenting, and let us help you help your kid!" (Reference)


Disability Tax Credit (DTC) Certificate:

DID YOU KNOW that you and/or your child may be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit if you/they are "markedly restricted in at least one of the basic activities of daily living" and that "MENTAL FUNCTIONS" is one of these activities??? You DO NOT need an official diagnosis to be eligible, because the CRA bases their decision on the EFFECTS OF IMPAIRMENT.

Below I have included a copy/paste of the eligibility criteria for reference, however, PLEASE CONTACT ME if you have specific questions about if you or your child's situation would qualify and HOW to proceed with the application process, so that you have the best chance at being approved for the DTC (the CRA is looking for and approves specific wording and examples in the Effects of Impairment Section, which your Doctor is required to fill out, but most are unaware of CRA's requirements for approval, resulting in your application being denied).

"Mental functions necessary for everyday life: 

A person is considered markedly restricted in performing the mental functions necessary for everyday life (described below) if, even with appropriate therapy, medication, and devices (for example, memory aids and adaptive aids): they are unable or take an inordinate amount of time (3x longer) to perform these functions by themselves and this is the case all or substantially all the time (at least 90% of the time).

Mental functions necessary for everyday life include:

** adaptive functioning (for example, abilities related to self-care, health and safety, abilities to initiate and respond to social interactions, and common, simple transactions)

** memory (for example, the ability to remember simple instructions, basic personal information such as name and address, or material of importance and interest) and

** problem-solving, goal-setting, and judgment, taken together (for example, the ability to solve problems, set and keep goals, and make the appropriate decisions and judgments)

* A restriction in problem-solving, goal-setting, or judgment that markedly restricts adaptive functioning all or substantially all the time (at least 90% of the time) would qualify." (CRA website)

[Are you eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC)? Take this CRA questionnaire to find out...]

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP):

You need to be approved with the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) to gain access to opening a Registered Disability Savings Plan. 

"A registered disability savings plan (RDSP) is a savings plan that is intended to help parents and others save for the long term financial security of a person who is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC).

Contributions to an RDSP are not tax deductible and can be made until the end of the year in which the beneficiary turns 59. Contributions that are withdrawn are not included as income to the beneficiary when they are paid out of an RDSP. However, the Canada disability savings grant (grant), the Canada disability savings bond (bond), investment income earned in the plan, and the proceeds from rollovers are included in the beneficiary's income for tax purposes when they are paid out of the RDSP." (CRA Website)

"Canada disability savings grant: The grant is an amount that the Government of Canada pays into an registered disability savings plan (RDSP). The Government will pay matching grants of 300%, 200%, or 100%, depending on the beneficiary’s adjusted family net income and the amount contributed. [...] An RDSP can get a maximum of $3,500 in matching grants in one year, and up to $70,000 over the beneficiary’s lifetime. A beneficiary's RDSP can receive a grant on contributions made until December 31 of the year in which the beneficiary turns 49.

Canada disability savings bond: The bond is an amount paid by the Government of Canada directly into an RDSP. The Government will pay bonds of up to $1,000 a year to low-income Canadians with disabilities. No contributions have to be made to get the bond. The lifetime bond limit is $20,000. A bond can be paid into an RDSP until the year in which the beneficiary turns 49. 

The amount of the bond is based on the beneficiary’s adjusted family net income as follows: *The beneficiary family income thresholds are indexed each year to inflation. The income thresholds shown are for 2018. Beneficiary's adjusted family net income:

To qualify for the bond or to earn a grant, the beneficiary must file income tax and benefit returns for the past two years and all future taxation years when they have an RDSP." (CRA Website)